Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Time Travelers Wife Essays
Time Travelers Wife Essays Time Travelers Wife Essay Time Travelers Wife Essay 2012-07410March 15, 2013 ENG 2 G-3RDraft no. 1 The Time Travelerââ¬â¢s Wife (Film) A Reaction Paper Why is love intensified by absence? (Niffenegger, 2003) The Time Travelers Wife is a romantic drama film directed by Robert Schwentke and was based on a novel by Audrey Niffenegger of the same title. The film tells the story of Henry DeTamble (Eric Bana), a librarian who suffers from a genetic disorder that causes him to jump back and forth in time, and Clare Abshire (Rachel McAdams), as they endeavor to live a happy and normal life. In the early 1970s, a six year-old Henry survives a car accident wherein his mother died. The tension before the impact enabled him to travel back two weeks before the accident. He was then transported back into the present and witnessed the death of his mother before him. An older version of him tries to help Henry by explaining that he is indeed a time traveler. Henry finds himself living the past, present, and future at the same time. In 1991, Henry meets for the first time an art student named Clare. Though she is delighted to see him, Henry was not able to recognize her. She later reveals that the future Henry time traveled and met the six year old Clare. They develop a relationship and Henry finally felt permanence in his life. Subsequently, the couple enters a married life which will be teemed with obstacles brought about by Henryââ¬â¢s condition. The film Time Travelerââ¬â¢s Wife employed time travel as one of main characterââ¬â¢s flaw and strong point at the same time expressing the love story that attracts most of the women audience. Its title and movie trailer just provides sufficient ideas that will make you think about it and finally watch the film. Considering the fact that it was primarily based on a book, it can be posited that the story was crammed and made to fit in the specific amount of time. This caused the movie to lose its richness which left the supporting characters with little exposure who may have contributed to the audienceââ¬â¢s understanding and interpretation and to the storyââ¬â¢s further development. Moreover, the film focused too much on the love story of Henry and Clare and ignored the other charactersââ¬â¢ involvement and influence on the main charactersââ¬â¢ decision as opposed to the book. Critiques aside, the story was very poignant. It provided various themes such as the importance of time, love, family, marriage, sex and reality. Love was expressed and interpreted by the characters in various ways- physical lovemaking, Clareââ¬â¢s patience (or impatience) for waiting Henry from his travels, and sacrifices that each of them made in their pursuit of happiness. It was emphasized that love is an important aspect of life that overcomes and recognizes no obstacles. The film also gives the audience the idea of struggle between life as something that is already written and pre-determined, and the capacity or power of our free will and choices. Sex and racism, to some extent, is depicted in the movie. It shows the importance of physical connection to the intimacy of the main characters. In addition, the character of Eric Bana criticized the Republicans and hunters. Lastly, versions of reality were presented- that of Henryââ¬â¢s and of Clareââ¬â¢s. It gives the audience the impression that reality is subjective and thereby influenced by emotions. Time Travelerââ¬â¢s Wife can be considered as a carpe diem movie. Although it contains a timeline structure that is quite confusing for the viewers and disturbing scenes and language, the film earns the audience awe and tears by the story of two lovers who are victims of the unpredictable fate.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Rhetorical Move - Definition and Examples
Rhetorical Move s Definition: (1) In rhetoric, a general term for any strategy employed by a rhetor to advance an argument or strengthen a persuasive appeal. (2) In genre studies (in particular, the field of institutional discourse analysis), a term introduced by linguist John M. Swales to describe a particular rhetorical or linguistic pattern, stage, or structure conventionally found in a text or in a segment of a text. See also: ArrangementDiscourse CommunityKairosLinguisticsRhetorical Situation Examples and Observations: Rhetorical Move: Definition #1Dilip Gaonkar notes that the rhetoric of science is an argument a fortiori: If science is not free of rhetoric, nothing is. Yes. The rhetorical studies of biology, economics, and mathematics over the past twenty years have used this tactic, reading even scientific texts rhetorically. Gaonkar does not like it, not one bit. He wants to keep Science distinct from the rest of culture. He wants rhetoric to stay in its cage. He is a Little Rhetoric guy. [...]Gaonkars rhetoric of proof throughout is merely assertive; he hasnt any arguments worthy of the name. He depends on bluster, a merely rhetorical move: if you make assertions at length, portentously, with ample throat clearing, you can depend on fooling some of the people some of the time.(Deirdre McCloskey, Big Rhetoric, Little Rhetoric: Gaonkar on the Rhetoric of Science. Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science, ed. by Alan G. Gross and William M. Keith. State Univ. of New York Press, 1997) The initial rhetorical move of philosophy (Platos move) was to assume the existence of a metalanguage outside of normal language that would be a superior form of language. As Foucault (1972) points out, the claim to truth is the essential rhetorical move authorizing philosophy: Philosophy creates the distinction between true and false language. . . .Rhetorics view is to see philosophy language as not ontologically different, but rather just different, a kind of language still subject to rhetoric with its own conventions and rules, historically constituted and situated, and with its own disciplinary (and hence, institutional) parameters. Although philosophy distrusts nomos, rhetoric invests nomos, local language, with power. Why should rhetoric have any more right than philosophy to make this move? No more rightthe point is that rhetoric recognizes it as a rhetorical move, its own move included.(James E. Porter, Rhetorical Ethics, and Internetworked Writing. Ablex, 1998)The de-rhetori cization of historical thinking was an effort to distinguish history from fiction, especially from the kind of prose fiction represented by the romance and the novel. This effort was, of course, a rhetorical move in its own right, the kind of rhetorical move that Paolo Valesio calls the rhetoric of anti-rhetoric. It consisted of little more than a reaffirmation of the Aristotelian distinction between history and poetrybetween the study of events that had actually occurred and the imagining of events that might have occurred, or could possibly occurand the affirmation of the fiction that the stories historians tell are found in the evidence rather than invented.(Hayden White, The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation. The John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1987) Rhetorical Move: Definition #2[T]he study of genres in terms of rhetorical moves was originally developed by [John M.] Swales (1981, 1990, and 2004) to functionally describe a part or section of Research Articles. This approach, which seeks to operationalize a text into particular segments, originated from the educational objective of supporting the teaching of academic writing and reading for non-native speakers of English. The idea of clearly describing and explaining the rhetorical structure of a particular genre and of identifying each associated purpose is a contribution that can assist beginners and novices who do not belong to a specific discourse community.The move analysis of a genre aims to determine the communicative purposes of a text by categorizing diverse text units according to the particular communicative purpose of each unit. Each one of the moves where a text is segmented constitutes a section, revealing a specific communicative function, but this is linked to and contributes to the general communicative objective of the whole genre.(Giovanni Parodi, Rhetorical Organisation of Textbooks Academic and Professional Discourse Genres in Spanish, ed. by G. Parodi. John Benjamins, 2010) [I]n recent publications, reviewing previous literature and incorporating citations to other works is by no means restricted to the second half of the opening (M1) move but can occur throughout the introduction and indeed throughout the article as a whole. As a result, literature review statements are no longer always separable elements in either placement or in function and so can no longer be automatically used as signals for independent moves as part of a move analysis.(John Swales, Research Genres: Explorations and Applications. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004)The wide variation in delineating the extent of a move may be attributable to the use of two different units of analysis. The approach of Swales (1981, 1990) is the most consistent since he considers moves as discourse units rather than lexicogrammatical units. However, he does not address the question of how move boundaries can be determined. In dealing with this difficult problem, others have tried to align move boundaries wi th lexicogrammatical units.(Beverly A. Lewin, Jonathan Fine, and Lynne Young, Expository Discourse: A Genre-Based Approach to Social Science Research Texts. Continuum, 2001)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Paradise Lost vs. Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Paradise Lost vs. Heart of Darkness - Essay Example Marlowââ¬â¢s narration about his journey to the Congo in Africa is the central subject of the novel. Marlow is employed as a ferry-boat captain by a Belgian trading company. His job is to carry ivory downriver, but the main task assigned to him is to bring Kurtz back to his society. Kurtz is a rebel who has moved away from his own civilization and settled in deep jungles of Congo. The character of Kurtz is revealed by Marloweââ¬â¢s narration inducing a mixed feeling of hatred and sympathy for him. In the epic poem, ââ¬Å"Paradise Lostâ⬠by John Milton, the poet recounts the events that led to the downfall of mankind. Adam and Eve, the first human beings to be created by God lived in the Garden of Eden. The beauty of the Garden of Eden was so enchanting that it was also called as Paradise. But Satan who was keen to avenge God, lures Eve to consume the forbidden fruit. On the knowledge of Eveââ¬â¢s horrendous act, Adam also eats the fruit for he is not ready to leave Eve alone in her suffering. Adam and Eve are expelled by God from the Garden of Eden as a chastisement for their act of disobedience. The title of the poem refers to the lost purity of Adam and Eve. The two characters that make one to feel sympathetic towards them are Kurtz in the novel, ââ¬Å"Heart of Darknessâ⬠and Adam in the poem, ââ¬Å"Paradise Lostâ⬠. Kurtz has gained control on the tribes of the jungle and taken over the territory. He has a great influence on the native tribes who worship him. The company is not ready to accept any threat to its own control over the region and assigns Marlowe to bring Kurtz back to his own civilization. Kurtz has settled in jungles as an act of defiance against the cruel ways of the company but he is not able to keep himself away from the temptation of power. He utilizes the natives to conduct brutal incursions in the neighboring regions to procure ivory. Though Kurtz is living amidst the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Is DES cipher not security anymore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Is DES cipher not security anymore - Essay Example Although DES are still being used as a means of encryption by many organizations and governments, DES has significantly deprecated and is no longer secure as just anyone with a little technical know-how and time can break into the cryptographic keys. However, this does not mean that DES cipher should never be used all. It only means that it is important to evaluate the value of the information to be protected, both to the attacker and to the owner, and fully grasp the nature of the risks before making the decision to use Data Encryption Standard (DES) cipher. According to Stallings (2006, p.73), DES may still provide security if used in situations involving no real threats such as when encrypting files on a family PC. In conclusion, in view of the contemporary threats, DES algorithm offers very little deterrence for any determined adversary and should never be considered to be secure. Using more efficient and stronger cryptographic algorithms such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and 3DES among others may provide better
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Why hunting is possitive Essay Example for Free
Why hunting is possitive Essay The human being has been hunting ever since time began. It was the only way of life back then. A hunter was either successful and survived or not successful and died. Hunting is still a way of survival for some people. There are many anti-hunting activists out there trying to bring down hunting. They say that it is cruel and mean to kill a defenseless animal. What they donââ¬â¢t understand is that if we didnââ¬â¢t hunt, the world would be completely different. Hunting has many positive effects on not only the environment but also the economy and peopleââ¬â¢s life. When people think of the most dangerous animal in North America they think of bears and sharks. There have only been 28 deadly bear attacks and 10 deadly shark attacks in the past 10 years (Rice, 2011). The most dangerous animal may well be the deer. There are nearly 32 million deer alive today (25 Reasons, 2013). With roads and highways going through areas that are heavily populated by deer, more than 1 million car accidents are caused by dear per year. Due to those 1 million car accidents, there is $1 billion in vehicle damage, 200 deaths and 10,000 personal injures per year (Rice, 2011). Hunting lowers the risk of a driver hitting a deer. For every deer hit by a car, hunters kill 6 (25 Reasons, 2013). When a hunter kills a deer they take away the chance of that deer getting hit by a car. If we didnââ¬â¢t hunt, those numbers of vehicle accidents caused by deer would go up dramatically because the population would be higher. Hunting is also a method of conservation as it keeps the population of animals down, keeping them compatible with human activity. Hunters not only help wildlife conservation by keeping the population down but also by purchasing the weapons and ammunition. In 1937 hunters requested an 11% tax on weapons and ammunition by introducing the Pittman-Robertson Act. The tax from this Act generates $371 million dollars a year (25 Reasons, 2013). In just state licenses and fees alone, hunters generate $769 million a year for conservation programs (25 Reasons, 2013). Altogether including donations hunters pay more than $1. 6 billion dollars for conservation (25 Reasons, 2013). The money goes to conservationist across the country (Hunting and Wildlife, 2012). The land area and the number of licenses in that area is what decide where the money getsà distributed (Hunting and Wildlife, 2012). The money supports conservation efforts by the department of natural resources such as conducting research, wildlife reintroductions, and improving wildlife habitat. Hunting conservation not only keeps the population of animals down, but it can also help bring the numbers of endangered animals up. Hunting regulations and conservation efforts have brought many speciesââ¬â¢ populations from few numbers to many. In 1907 only 41,000 elk remained in North America, now there are more than 1 million. In 1900 there were only 500,000 whitetail deer andà only 100,000 wild turkeys, now there are more than 32 million whitetail and 7 million wild turkeys (25 Reasons, 2013). Also many non-hunted animals benefit off the conservation efforts that hunters provide (25 Reasons, 2013). These animals were able to make a rebound in their numbers by the conservation efforts. These efforts include the conservationist protecting the land and making untouchable areas. President Theodor Roosevelt was an avid hunter and conservationist. He created 230 million acres of protected forest and wetlands for wildlife (25 Reasons, 2013). Hunting has a major impact on the economy. There are a total of 15. 5 million hunters over the age of six in the United States of America (Fueling, 2013). When a person goes hunting they have to have gear to hunt. Hunters also sometimes travel to go hunt, whether it is in a different state or just down the road. The purchase of the gear and travel has an impact on the American economy. In 2011 American hunters spent $38. 3 billion dollars in hunting equipment and travel expenses. That is more than the revenue of Comcast for that same year (Fueling, 2013). Travelers spent $10. 4 billion on trip related expenses in 2011 (Fueling, 2013). The total amount of money spent on gear in 2011 was $27. 9 billion (Fueling, 2013). Duck and geese hunters use decoys and calls when they hunt. They spent $302 million on the decoys and calls in 2011 (Fueling, 2013). A hunter cannot 1 / 2 hunt without a weapon whether it is archery or a firearm. In 2011 hunters spent a total of $6 billion on guns, ammunition, and archery equipment (Fueling, 2013). Hunters are improving the American economy in these hard economic times. In 2011 hunters in America have spent 30% more on hunting than five years ago (Fueling, 2013). Another aspect of the American economy is providingà people with jobs. Hunters supply the people of America with over 680,000 jobs (25 Reasons, 2013). Those 680,000 people are able to have an income and support their family because of hunters. Hunting is a tradition passed down from generation to generation. People have been hunting since the beginning of time. The ways of hunting have changed the way life is today. Back in the time of the Native Americans they didnââ¬â¢t have a grocery store that they could go and get food at. The men were hunters and warriors and the women would plant gardens and take care of the village. Theyà depended on the men to go and kill an animal that would feed their family and tribe. These tactics have been passed down from generation to generation and has evolved immensely. Not only has the ways of hunting evolved, but also the tools used to hunt have evolved. People today still depend on hunting as a primary source of meat for their families. Hunting puts food on the table for survival. A buck that is 180 pounds that is killed will yield 72 pounds of meat (How Much, 2005). In 2012, 31,140 bucks were harvested in Michigan (Frawley, 2012). If all of those bucks weighed 180à pounds then 2,242,080 pounds of venison to feed families would have been harvested. There were a total of 418,012 harvested in Michigan in 2012 (Frawley, 2012). 418,012 deer fed families and was food on their tables. Hunting can teach many responsibilities and life lessons. The first lesson hunting can teach is how to handle a powerful weapon. In order to use a weapon to hunt, a hunter has to take a hunters safety class to learn how to use the weapon and how dangerous it is. A weapon is such a simple machine but powerful enough to take a life. A person has to respect and learn how to handle theà weapon with care and responsibility. Learning how to use the weapon can provide a person with a way to defend them if they were in harmââ¬â¢s way. When a person is out hunting they get to respect and observe the beauty of nature. They can view how delicate it can be but also how much strength it can hold. Hunting teaches survival skills such as how to clean the animal, how to be self-sufficient by providing yourself with a meal and pulling the trigger on an animal. Overall hunting is positive in many ways. It has been tradition since the beginning of time. There are many ways that hunting is improving and evolving. There are many more changes that can happen to make it more successful. It has many contributions to an individual, a creature, and a country. References Frawley, B. (June, 2012). Michigan deer harvest survey report 2012 seasons. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, http://www. michigan. gov/documents/dnr/ MI_Deer_Harvest_Survey_Report_2012_426213_7. pdfFueling the American economy. (2013), Americaââ¬â¢s sporting heritage, http://www. sportsmenslink. org/uploads/page/Economic%20Impact%20Report%20E-version. pdfHow much will your deer yield, (July 10, 2005). Butcher amp; Deer, http://www. butcher- packer. com/index. php?main_page=document_general_infoamp;products_id=331Hunting and wildlife conservation go hand in hand. (December 27, 2012), Department of Natural Resources, http://www. michigan. gov/dnr/0,4570,7-153-10370_12141-294259,00. htmlRice, D. (2011, November 1). Deer-car collisions increase this time of year. USA TODAY. http://usatoday30. usatoday. com/news/nation/story/2011-10-31/deer-car-accidents- rise/51019604/125 reasons why hunting is conservation. (2013), Rocky mountain elk foundation, htt p://www. rmef. org/Conservation/HuntingIsConservation/25ReasonsWhyHuntingIsConservation. aspx POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Antonio Macéo :: Antonio Maceo Biography Bio
Antonio Macà ©o: The Bronze Titan The people of Cuba had many great heroes during the Cuban War of Independence. One of these heroes, Antonio Macà ©o, contributed strength and bravery as well as leadership and patriotism. Born June 14, 1845, Antonio de la Caridad Macà ©o y Grajales was raised by his French father and Dominican mother in Santiago, Cuba. His family migrated to Cuba from Venezuela, approximately twenty years before he was born. As a young boy, he was under the influence of his godfather, an educated attorney and active participant of the Masonic lodges, or the fomenters of dissent as they were known by the government. Although he lacked the conventional education attained by many other Cuban heroes, he attempted to educate himself under the guiding influence of his godfather. The Macà ©o family itself lived quite well in a house in town, as well as, the farmland they acquired. Throughout his adolescent years, Macà ©o worked as a product distributor for one of the family farms. Having to travel great distances, he learned to navigate the surrounding terrain which proved to be a great advantage in his later years as a freedom fighter. Outside of his tasks as a product distributor, Macà ©o roamed the fields with his adolescent companions, avoiding inane conversation to cover a slight stutter in speech. Growing up into a proper and upstanding man, he married his neighborhood sweetheart, Maria Cabrales. They had two children, both of whom died at an early age. Shortly after his marriage, Antonio Macà ©o joined the liberation army. He fought with his father and brothers in the Ten Years' War (1868-1878). His effective leadership enabled him to rise in command to the position of second leader. The army, however, endured several changes which would cause its eventual disintegration of power. Many members of this army felt they could accomplish more without the leader, Carlos Manuel de Cespedes. In 1878, at the end of the Ten Years' War, Antonio Macà ©o refused to cease the war with Spain due to the existence of slavery and the imperial power's continued subordination of the people of Cuba. He left for New York later that year only to return in 1895 for the War of Independence.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Online Learning
There are debates nowadays over online learning versus traditional learning. The article titled ââ¬Å"Why Online Education Worksâ⬠. It targets on the positive aspects of online college classes. The article states that online learning changes how universities teach which in turn there are significant advantages to it. The author, Alex Tabarrok describes the advantages of online education as leverage, which includes that the college student possesses the opportunity to be taught by the finest instructors, teachers can easily access more students, it can be time-saving, and it gives the student flexibility as well as more individualized teaching. I selected this subject because I understand the importance of online education and I as well think it is a great alternative to attending class. Many students nowadays are not the conventional learner and have to work and don't possess the time to commit in a classroom because of the type of employment I do. Needing to work a full-time job without having a regular schedule can make it tough to make it to school in time, this really is a primary reason it does work best for me. There is a lot to consider when deciding which course type, online or conventional will work best for you so you must be sure you are taking into account all sides, weighing out the advantages and drawbacks. The discussion Alex Tabarrok is establishing in the article is that online learning is significantly increasing the productivity and quality of educating. The argument relies on the author's analysis regarding how there has been little change to educational institutions that had been in a position to maintain their existence and how online education can possibly reach more students. He provides examples of the drawbacks to late night classes and how fatigue generally sets in after 9:30 pm. He also offers the argument of learners not being able to retain as much when they take a night course or their instructor being as sharp as they need to be due to the fatigue. The quality of knowledge being given or what the student is retaining will decrease due to being exhausted. The student will never be giving their best and they will not be getting the best from their instructor either (Tabarrok, 2012). Alex Tabarrok claims that the learners can be taught by the best instructors online and teachers may teach students from worldwide. To support this claim he uses the example of how his 15-minute TED talk video was among his best 15 minutes of teaching and was viewed over 700,000 times. That is similar to 175,000 student hours. Though TED talks are not regarded as a course that can count toward a degree, these are totally free and we can learn from them. He compares teaching today to a stage play, and online education is more similar to a movie. The reasons used to back up the claim of quality in the instructor is because, for a movie, the actors are better compared to the typical stage actor. Movie actors are better than the average stage actor for the reason that you have more time to prepare to be sure it is your best work. This is one-way online education leverages the power of the best instructors (Tabarrok, 2012). This is often regarded as biased since he is making the assumption that an online teacher is superior to a classroom teacher. Comparing a classroom teacher to a stage actor and an online instructor to a movie star is not a good explanation. An objection referred to with online education is the fact the classroom experience provides a greater opportunity for individualized learning, Alex Tabarrok see's it as the exact opposite.His argument is because online learning may be much more customized because you are not sitting in a classroom with 100 different students, it is more one on one along with you and the teacher. You will have the chance to ask questions and interact with the professor along with other individuals through electronic mail and discussion posts. His analysis demonstrated that at Virginia Tech, classes of 100-plus are not uncommon. It can be difficult for anyone in the classroom to have a chance to ask questions due to if every student has a question to ask, you will not have any time for the lesson. An example provided is in a class of 50, in the event that each learner got a question, there would be no time for a lecture. Questions could be asked at any time and do not interfere with a session. Also, professors who teach online courses are placed to a greater slandered due to the possibility of review. Which means that errors made by the teacher through online learning are easily caught through the classroom, the likelihood is no one is going to catch it. For instance, in the event that a student asks an instructor a question in the classroom, the teacher may answer incorrectly and it would most likely never be caught however this is not the case with online courses in which everything the instructor communicates is documented. He additionally points out that when in a classroom and 20% of the class requires something repeated, 80% of the students that got it are experiencing to hear it over again while the online students are actually in power over what they need to listen to the second time (Tabarrok, 2012).The most significant benefit of online learning is the flexibility. You can focus on your assignments when it is most convenient for you given that online programs offer 24/7 accessibility to the lesson's materials. A number of individuals may do their best work in the morning while some might at night, this allows you to do your work in the course of the hours you will be most productive (Hickey, 2017). It also helps if you are working full time and can't conveniently make it to school.Although Alex Tabarrok has a credential as an author, co-author, chairperson, director of research and co-founder of the online educational platform Marginal Revolution University and Professor of Economics at George Mason University, his arguments do not possess a lot of credibilities and are biased. For example, he uses the Ted Talk comparing it to teaching which is assuming that viewing the video is the equivalent of learning. He also fails to provide any specific counterarguments in his article to compare any other side. Although he gives numerous examples to back up his reasons he fails to present outside resources to back up each of his claims. Without having outside sources, it is hard to understand if the information he is providing in his argument is reliable or not.My point of view of my alternative argument is the fact that online learning can work and does provide many advantages. My premise is that technology has a positive roll in student learning since it is convenient and you obtain faster feedback on online education. I produce this claim as a result of the e-assessments which have been carried out and the results for online learning have been positive. This argument considers the effect of e-assessments. An e-assessment is referred to as the iterative procedures of developing what, how much and how well students are learning with regards to the education goals and projected results in an effort to inform designed formative feedback and support further learning (Baleni, A.G. pg2). A number of weak points in this argument are that online education might not work for everyone and additional research needs to be done to conclude if it is in fact better.An opposing side of the argument that I notice is the fact there is an intense requirement for self-discipline and although technology can play a positive role there can be limitations also. Alex Tabarrok doesn't discuss either of them in his argument of how online education is better nevertheless I consent that this could be an issue. When it comes to self-discipline, the article mentions how meeting the deadlines for assignments and tests can be hard unless you possess time management techniques and organization skill sets to stay on top of your work. With regards to the technological innovation, you must be sure that you always have accessibility to the internet considering that for any reason your system crashes or perhaps you don't have accessibility to the web you will have a backup plan.personally, I think that as a result of online education works for me, I am can be biased. The flexibility has afforded me the possibility to continue my learning while working full time. I don't always catch on as fast as other individuals so I need more time to work on assignments and usually require additional clarification on precisely what is expected however I am still capable to get it done due to the overall flexibility. In a classroom, I don't think I would feel at ease asking questions so it is less difficult online in which the communication between learners and the teacher is mainly one on one. I want to be open-minded and examine all sides of the arguments and feel that online education will work but may not be for everybody.Basically, I feel that online learning is beneficial but you need to be very self-disciplined and make sure you stay in front of your work and be prepared for any kind of challenges you may encounter. You have to create a connection with the professor and peers and stay engaged in the discussions. It will be helpful to be computer literate making sure you are utilizing all assets provided to you by the school.My initial opinions after reading Alex Tabarrok's article was that he made many legitimate points. That was not until I conducted further research and allowed myself to step back, reevaluate and ask questions that I understood his article was way more one-sided and biased. The questions I looked at to answer were, exactly what resources did he use, was his argument based upon facts and evidence or maybe opinions, furthermore, did he offer reasons why you should support his statements that were convincing. I had to ask myself how strong was his argument and can I find leads to refute it based on evidence. I had to put in writing a number of reasons exactly why I supported his side and then the reason why I would not examine whether an individual could argue that with me. How certain was I of my argument? This assisted me to believe logically and provide you with my conclusion. I think everybody is a little biased but we have to make sure we are doing the proper research and holding an open mind. It truly is about the facts along with the proof to support the claim. Keeping an open mind and trying to concentrate on the facts and proof will help everyone greatly in our daily lives. Often we jump to conclusions and allow our emotions get in the way. I have usually said doing the right thing is normally the toughest and trying to not be biased and act on emotions can be extremely difficult. We are only human and will fall short every day, it is about striving our best to look at all sides and doing unto others as we want to be done unto us. Giving every person the benefit of the doubt. Online Learning There are debates nowadays over online learning versus traditional learning. The article titled ââ¬Å"Why Online Education Worksâ⬠. It targets on the positive aspects of online college classes. The article states that online learning changes how universities teach which in turn there are significant advantages to it. The author, Alex Tabarrok describes the advantages of online education as leverage, which includes that the college student possesses the opportunity to be taught by the finest instructors, teachers can easily access more students, it can be time-saving, and it gives the student flexibility as well as more individualized teaching. I selected this subject because I understand the importance of online education and I as well think it is a great alternative to attending class. Many students nowadays are not the conventional learner and have to work and don't possess the time to commit in a classroom because of the type of employment I do. Needing to work a full-time job without having a regular schedule can make it tough to make it to school in time, this really is a primary reason it does work best for me. There is a lot to consider when deciding which course type, online or conventional will work best for you so you must be sure you are taking into account all sides, weighing out the advantages and drawbacks. The discussion Alex Tabarrok is establishing in the article is that online learning is significantly increasing the productivity and quality of educating. The argument relies on the author's analysis regarding how there has been little change to educational institutions that had been in a position to maintain their existence and how online education can possibly reach more students. He provides examples of the drawbacks to late night classes and how fatigue generally sets in after 9:30 pm. He also offers the argument of learners not being able to retain as much when they take a night course or their instructor being as sharp as they need to be due to the fatigue. The quality of knowledge being given or what the student is retaining will decrease due to being exhausted. The student will never be giving their best and they will not be getting the best from their instructor either (Tabarrok, 2012). Alex Tabarrok claims that the learners can be taught by the best instructors online and teachers may teach students from worldwide. To support this claim he uses the example of how his 15-minute TED talk video was among his best 15 minutes of teaching and was viewed over 700,000 times. That is similar to 175,000 student hours. Though TED talks are not regarded as a course that can count toward a degree, these are totally free and we can learn from them. He compares teaching today to a stage play, and online education is more similar to a movie. The reasons used to back up the claim of quality in the instructor is because, for a movie, the actors are better compared to the typical stage actor. Movie actors are better than the average stage actor for the reason that you have more time to prepare to be sure it is your best work. This is one-way online education leverages the power of the best instructors (Tabarrok, 2012). This is often regarded as biased since he is making the assumption that an online teacher is superior to a classroom teacher. Comparing a classroom teacher to a stage actor and an online instructor to a movie star is not a good explanation. An objection referred to with online education is the fact the classroom experience provides a greater opportunity for individualized learning, Alex Tabarrok see's it as the exact opposite.His argument is because online learning may be much more customized because you are not sitting in a classroom with 100 different students, it is more one on one along with you and the teacher. You will have the chance to ask questions and interact with the professor along with other individuals through electronic mail and discussion posts. His analysis demonstrated that at Virginia Tech, classes of 100-plus are not uncommon. It can be difficult for anyone in the classroom to have a chance to ask questions due to if every student has a question to ask, you will not have any time for the lesson. An example provided is in a class of 50, in the event that each learner got a question, there would be no time for a lecture. Questions could be asked at any time and do not interfere with a session. Also, professors who teach online courses are placed to a greater slandered due to the possibility of review. Which means that errors made by the teacher through online learning are easily caught through the classroom, the likelihood is no one is going to catch it. For instance, in the event that a student asks an instructor a question in the classroom, the teacher may answer incorrectly and it would most likely never be caught however this is not the case with online courses in which everything the instructor communicates is documented. He additionally points out that when in a classroom and 20% of the class requires something repeated, 80% of the students that got it are experiencing to hear it over again while the online students are actually in power over what they need to listen to the second time (Tabarrok, 2012).The most significant benefit of online learning is the flexibility. You can focus on your assignments when it is most convenient for you given that online programs offer 24/7 accessibility to the lesson's materials. A number of individuals may do their best work in the morning while some might at night, this allows you to do your work in the course of the hours you will be most productive (Hickey, 2017). It also helps if you are working full time and can't conveniently make it to school.Although Alex Tabarrok has a credential as an author, co-author, chairperson, director of research and co-founder of the online educational platform Marginal Revolution University and Professor of Economics at George Mason University, his arguments do not possess a lot of credibilities and are biased. For example, he uses the Ted Talk comparing it to teaching which is assuming that viewing the video is the equivalent of learning. He also fails to provide any specific counterarguments in his article to compare any other side. Although he gives numerous examples to back up his reasons he fails to present outside resources to back up each of his claims. Without having outside sources, it is hard to understand if the information he is providing in his argument is reliable or not.My point of view of my alternative argument is the fact that online learning can work and does provide many advantages. My premise is that technology has a positive roll in student learning since it is convenient and you obtain faster feedback on online education. I produce this claim as a result of the e-assessments which have been carried out and the results for online learning have been positive. This argument considers the effect of e-assessments. An e-assessment is referred to as the iterative procedures of developing what, how much and how well students are learning with regards to the education goals and projected results in an effort to inform designed formative feedback and support further learning (Baleni, A.G. pg2). A number of weak points in this argument are that online education might not work for everyone and additional research needs to be done to conclude if it is in fact better.An opposing side of the argument that I notice is the fact there is an intense requirement for self-discipline and although technology can play a positive role there can be limitations also. Alex Tabarrok doesn't discuss either of them in his argument of how online education is better nevertheless I consent that this could be an issue. When it comes to self-discipline, the article mentions how meeting the deadlines for assignments and tests can be hard unless you possess time management techniques and organization skill sets to stay on top of your work. With regards to the technological innovation, you must be sure that you always have accessibility to the internet considering that for any reason your system crashes or perhaps you don't have accessibility to the web you will have a backup plan.personally, I think that as a result of online education works for me, I am can be biased. The flexibility has afforded me the possibility to continue my learning while working full time. I don't always catch on as fast as other individuals so I need more time to work on assignments and usually require additional clarification on precisely what is expected however I am still capable to get it done due to the overall flexibility. In a classroom, I don't think I would feel at ease asking questions so it is less difficult online in which the communication between learners and the teacher is mainly one on one. I want to be open-minded and examine all sides of the arguments and feel that online education will work but may not be for everybody.Basically, I feel that online learning is beneficial but you need to be very self-disciplined and make sure you stay in front of your work and be prepared for any kind of challenges you may encounter. You have to create a connection with the professor and peers and stay engaged in the discussions. It will be helpful to be computer literate making sure you are utilizing all assets provided to you by the school.My initial opinions after reading Alex Tabarrok's article was that he made many legitimate points. That was not until I conducted further research and allowed myself to step back, reevaluate and ask questions that I understood his article was way more one-sided and biased. The questions I looked at to answer were, exactly what resources did he use, was his argument based upon facts and evidence or maybe opinions, furthermore, did he offer reasons why you should support his statements that were convincing. I had to ask myself how strong was his argument and can I find leads to refute it based on evidence. I had to put in writing a number of reasons exactly why I supported his side and then the reason why I would not examine whether an individual could argue that with me. How certain was I of my argument? This assisted me to believe logically and provide you with my conclusion. I think everybody is a little biased but we have to make sure we are doing the proper research and holding an open mind. It truly is about the facts along with the proof to support the claim. Keeping an open mind and trying to concentrate on the facts and proof will help everyone greatly in our daily lives. Often we jump to conclusions and allow our emotions get in the way. I have usually said doing the right thing is normally the toughest and trying to not be biased and act on emotions can be extremely difficult. We are only human and will fall short every day, it is about striving our best to look at all sides and doing unto others as we want to be done unto us. Giving every person the benefit of the doubt.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Summary of Plato’s Protagoras
Summary Protagoras In Platoââ¬â¢s dialogue ââ¬Å"Protagorasâ⬠Socrates tells a companion his experience and interview with a man he deems fairer than Alcibiades. His name is then revealed to be Protagoras. Protagoras is described as a wise man because if one makes friends with him and gives him money, he would make the benefactor as wise as he is himself. From this it can be understood that Protagoras has the gift of speech. He is able to persuade a man as well as have him to whatever he wishes. A Socrates question that, if soul is more sacred than body, why does Hippocrates choose Protagoras over his family and friends to consult in the matter. He believes that Hippocrates does not even know what a Sophist truly is but still chooses to offer his soul to him. Socrates believes that the food of the soul. He compares a Sophist to a dealer and as all dealers they praise all of their goods indiscriminately. So the customer is in danger of purchasing something that may harm him. If one is not a specialist in the particular field he may be cheated. When absorbing the knowledge of a Sophist one should also be careful and calculate what knowledge is useful to him, as the knowledge will have effects on the soul.Then Protagoras says that by associating with him, he would make Hippocrates a better man by sharing his wisdom daily. He would teach him prudence in private and public affairs, teach him to order his house in the best manner, teach him speak in the affairs of the state. So to say, teach politics and make a good citizen out of him.However, Socrates doubts this. He says in the affairs of the state every citizen has a say and it does not matter if he is or is not taught politics. As well, he says that if a man does gain wisdom there is no gua rantee that he would share it with others or be acknowledged for it.Although, the man is given the gift of wisdom in comparison to other animals, he is not able to govern himself properly, which results in raging, never-ending wars and conflict. Every man if taught properly can attain needed skills (medicine, sciences), however, those already able to teach did not choose lightly their pupils. Good and bad qualities may be influenced by nature and chance.A rational man does not punish in regards of the past (something that cannot be undone) but thinking about the future. He punishes to prevent the wrong from repeating so as emphasising that virtue may be taught. A man punishes those he believes are evildoers.Protagoras believes that justice, temperance and holiness must be taught to all who wish to learn. If the pupil does wrong, he must be punished so he would become better. Those who refuse should be exiled or sentenced to death, as they would be deemed as incurable.People teach ea ch other their virtues according to their own abilities. It may be difficult to find a teacher for an expert artisan but easy for one who is a complete beginner.Virtue may be divided into parts, for example, justice, temperance, and holiness. Although, they are all related, they also differ. They each have their own function.It is said that each quality or action has only one opposite but both temperance and wisdom were concluded to have the same opposite ââ¬â folly. Later, the characters analyse poems. It is said that it may be hard to become good but impossible to remain good as a man makes mistakes and has weaknesses. Circumstances may make the man lose his goodness. They question what makes a man good. It is said that the good man may become bad in time, but the bad man cannot become bad, as he is already bad. * While a good man will feel for those wronged as well as his family and his country, a bad man will gain join and find faults.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
What Centrifugation Is and Why Its Used
What Centrifugation Is and Why Its Used The term centrifuge can refer to a machine that houses a rapidly rotating container to separate its contents by density (noun) or to the act of using the machine (verb). The modern device traces its origins to a spinning arm apparatus designed in the 18th century by engineer Benjamin Robins to determine drag. In 1864, Antonin Prandtl applied the technique to separate milk and cream. His brother refined the technique, inventing a butterfat extraction machine in 1875. While centrifuges are still used to separate milk components, their use has expanded to many other areas of science and medicine. Centrifuges are most often used to separate different liquids and solid particulates from liquids, but they may be used for gases. They are also used for other purposes than mechanical separation. How a Centrifuge Works A centrifuge gets its name from centrifugal force the virtual force that pulls spinning objects outward. Centripetal force is the real physical force at work, pulling spinning objects inward. Spinning a bucket of water is a good example of the forces at work. If the bucket spins fast enough, the water is pulled into it and doesnt spill. If the bucket is filled with a mixture of sand and water, spinning it produces centrifugation. According to the sedimentation principle, both the water and sand in the bucket will be drawn to the outer edge of the bucket, but the dense sand particles will settle to the bottom, while the lighter water molecules will be displaced toward the center. The centripetal acceleration essentially simulates higher gravity, however, its important to keep in mind the artificial gravity is a range of values, depending on how close an object is to the axis of rotation, not a constant value. The effect is greater the further out an object gets because it travels a greater distance for each rotation. Types and Uses of Centrifuges Theà types of centrifuges are all based on the same technique but differ in their applications. The main differences between them are the speed of rotation and the rotor design. The rotor is the rotating unit in the device. Fixed-angle rotors hold samples at a constant angle, swinging head rotors have a hinge that allows sample vessels to swing outward as the rate of spin increases, and continuous tubular centrifuges have one chamber rather than individual sample chambers. Very high-speed centrifuges and ultracentrifuges spin at such a high rate that they can be used to separate molecules of different masses or even isotopes of atoms. For example, a gas centrifuge may be used to enrich uranium, as the heavier isotope is pulled outward more than the lighter one. Isotope separation is used for scientific research and to make nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons. Laboratory centrifuges also spin at high rates. They may be large enough to stand on a floor or small enough to rest on a counter.à A typical device has aà rotor with angled drilled holes to hold sample tubes. Because the sample tubes are fixed at an angle and centrifugal force acts in the horizontal plane, particles move a tiny distance before hitting the wall of the tube, allowing dense material to slide down. While many lab centrifuges have fixed-angle rotors, swinging-bucket rotors are also common.à These machines are used to isolate components ofà immiscible liquidsà andà suspensions. Uses include separating blood components, isolating DNA, and purifying chemical samples. Medium-size centrifuges are common in daily life, mainly to quickly separate liquids from solids. Washing machines use centrifugation during the spin cycle to separate water from laundry, for example. A similar device spins the water out of swimsuits. Large centrifuges may be used to simulate high-gravity. The machines are the size of a room or building. Human centrifuges are used to train test pilots and conduct gravity-related scientific research. Centrifuges may also be used as amusement park rides. While human centrifuges are designed to go up to 10 or 12 gravities, large diameter non-human machines can expose specimens to up to 20 times normal gravity.à The same principle may one day be used to simulate gravity in space.à Industrial centrifuges are used to separate components of colloids (like cream and butter from milk), in chemical preparation, cleaning solids from drilling fluid, drying materials, and water treatment to remove sludge. Some industrial centrifuges rely on sedimentation for separation, while others separate matter using a screen or filter. Industrial centrifuges are used to cast metals and prepare chemicals. The differential gravity affects the phase composition and other properties of the materials. Related Techniques While centrifugation is the best option for simulating high gravity, there are other techniques that may be used to separate materials. These include filtration, sieving, distillation, decantation, and chromatography. The best technique for an application depends on the properties of a sample and its volume.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Example Sentences of the Verb Know
Example Sentences of the Verb Know This page provides example sentences of the verb Know in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Base Form know / Past Simple knew / Past Participle known / Gerund knowing Present Simple He knows a lot of people in Paris. Present Simple Passive The President is known to be in trouble. Present Continuous None Present Continuous Passive None Present Perfect They have known each other for years. Present Perfect Passive The facts in the case have been known since last year. Present Perfect Continuous None Past Simple She knew it was time to leave. Past Simple Passive The story was known by all in the room. Past Continuous None Past Continuous Passive None Past Perfect They had known about the problem before they told him. Past Perfect Passive The problem had been known about by all before they told him. Past Perfect Continuous None Future (will) She will know its you. Future (will) passive You will be known by everybody in the room. Future (going to) She is going to know the answer soon. Future (going to) passive The answer is going to be known at the end of the lesson. Future Continuous None Future Perfect They will have known Jack for twenty years by the end of this month. Future Possibility She might know the answer. Real Conditional If she knows the answer, she will tell you. Unreal Conditional If she knew the answer, she would tell you. Past Unreal Conditional If she had known the answer, she would have told you. Present Modal Andy should know the answer. Past Modal Andy should have known the answer. Quiz: Conjugate with Know Use the verb to know to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. They _____ about the problem before they told him.The President _____ to be in trouble.The facts in the case _____ since last year.They _____ Jack for twenty years by the end of this month.If she _____ the answer, she will tell you.The story _____ by all in the room at the trial yesterday.They _____ each other for years.He _____ a lot of people in Paris.If she _____ the answer, she would have told you.She _____ its you. Quiz Answers had knownis knownhave been knownwill have knownknowswas knownhave knownknowshad knownwill know
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Commonwealth bank of Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Commonwealth bank of Australia - Essay Example It is approximately one century since this giant financial institution was formed by the Australian government. However it is currently owned by private investors owing to the move by the Australian government to privatize the bank in 1996. Commonwealth Bank of Australia has continued to expand its operations in various regions through acquisitions, joint partnership and takeover. Commonwealth Bank steady performance in the industry is attributed to a wide range of strategies that include customer satisfaction, business banking, technology and operational excellence, profitable growth as well as trust and team spirit1. From the financial point of view it is evident that Commonwealth Bank has emerged strongly from a humble beginning to be a profitable banking institution in Australia. This clam can be justified by the fact that the Groupââ¬â¢s net earnings after tax for the financial year ended 2011/12 hit $6,394 million which is 13% increase compared to the previous year. The Grou p recorded 18.4% and 411.2 cents on Return on equity and Earnings per share respectively. This was a 12% increase compared to prior financial year. The Group declared a final dividend of $ 1.88 per share which was an 11% increase compared to previous financial year2. ... re 10198 Home loans 335841 Construction 3199 Personal 17968 Asset financing 9584 Other commercial and industrial 106762 RATIOââ¬â¢s OF BANK EXAMPLE: RISK RATIO ANALYSIS FOR COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA BANK OVER THE PERIOD 2010 TO 2010 Ratio Ratio formula Actual figures for Year â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦(previous year) ($M) Ratio answer for Yearâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ (previous year) Actual figures for Year â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦( current year) ($M) Ratio answer for Yearâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ (current year) Source of information in annual report Comments Interest margin Interest revenue ââ¬â interest expenses Average earning assets 32,215 ââ¬â 20,293 553,735 0.02 37,304 ââ¬â 24,697 576,369 0.02 Income statement p98 and note 2 page 119. The interest margin remain staeble over the two financial period owing to effective risk management strategies Net margin (after Tax) Operating profit after tax Interest income + non-interest income 5,680 32, 215+ 7,366 0.14 6,410 37,304 + 6,790 0.15 Income statement p98 and note 2 p119 The increase in net margin is as a result of Loans, bills discounted and other receivables Asset utilization Interest income + non-interest income Assets 32, 215+ 7,366 646,330 0.06 37,304 + 6,790 667,899 0.07 Income statement p98 and balance sheet p100 The increase in asset utilization ration indicates that the groups management effectively utilized the groups assets . Return on assets Operating profit after tax Equity 5,680 35,570 0.16 6,410 37,287 0.17 Income statement p98 and balance sheet p100 The increase in the return on assets ratio is attributable to the significant increase in the groups long-term assets Leverage multiplier Assets Equity 646,330 35,570 18 667,899 37,287 17 Balance sheet p100 The reduction in the ratio indicates that the group has reduced the level of debt used to finance its capital structure
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